The Little Known Benefits Of Incidental Exercise

How much physical activity are you doing each week? As a nation we are not doing so well… In fact, most of us do not come anywhere near the expected activity levels for health… highlighted in this 2016 epidemiological study of the total physical activity and strength exercise behaviour of 9345 Australians. The study concluded that… “The large majority of Australian adults do not meet the full physical activity guidelines and/or reported excessive sedentary behaviours.” Only 18.6% met the strength training guidelines… This begs the question…“are we becoming less active and chronically underloaded as a nation?” What should you do … Continue reading

11 Mind Blowing Facts About Your Shoulder Pain

Watch this 3-minute video and rediscover your amazing powers of resilience in the face of shoulder pain… #1. Pain is an alarm which is meant to protect you. Alarms want you to do something! #2. Pain is poorly related to tissue damage. It’s okay to have a few ‘grey hairs’ on the inside as well… Most rotator cuff tears could be considered normal ageing. Imaging cannot tell us where the pain is coming from… #3. Pain is more about ‘sensitivity’ than damage. Pain is often a poor guide to what’s wrong, where and how bad is it? When shoulder pain … Continue reading

Are You Letting Your Shoulder Niggle Become A Nightmare?

It amazes me how long most patient’s report that they have been putting up with their shoulder pain while at the same time resting, avoiding usual activities, becoming less confident in their capacity and increasingly fearful about what arm use and movement might mean for them. I commonly hear from concerned patients that – “I’m afraid of doing further damage.” Yet most painful and weak shoulders, are just that. De-conditioned, neglected, weak…but still expected to perform at a high level, overhead, in the gym and at work. Increasingly, I find a growing gap between the activity demands being placed upon … Continue reading

Considering An Alternative to Subacromial Decompression Surgery?

You’d think that if you had been recommended shoulder surgery for subacromial ‘impingement’ pain that it would prove to be of superior benefit over and above all other treatment options. Makes sense, right? I mean, you’d think so wouldn’t you? But does it? Does surgery provide superior outcomes to specific shoulder physiotherapy for subacromial ‘impingement’ pain? Well, let’s see what the evidence that is freely available suggests… You’ll have to excuse my lack of Australian patient data but to illustrate my point I am using data from the NHS in the England. In the 2001, there were 2523 subacromial decompressions … Continue reading

Miners Seek Shoulder Injury Treatment in the Big Smoke

Shoulder injuries amongst Queensland miners seems to be on the increase or at least it seems that way with an increase in work related shoulder injury referrals to Shoulder Guy Physiotherapy from miners across the state and even as far as PNG. Whether it be working with or near underground mining equipment, stepping off a long haul dump truck or securing a drilling rig in readiness to frack a coal seam; working in the mining industry can be and often is dangerous and (significant shoulder) injuries do happen. Thankfully, the majority of shoulder injuries we have seen directly related to … Continue reading