Patient Outcomes Are Just As Good…
There is a growing body of research evidence suggesting online physiotherapy produces patient outcomes that are just as good as face-to-face physiotherapy consultations.
Are you kidding me?
No, not at all…
As a patient, you want results, right?
Does it really matter how that gets delivered?
A comprehensive video consultation is just as effective as face to face when targeted to delivering what you need and want.
For example, you may need reassurance, education, the right advice and exercises to perform following your shoulder surgery?
It’s not all about hands-on, you know?
In fact, it would shock you if you really knew how inaccurate physiotherapists are when performing face-to-face, hands-on shoulder examinations.
To discover more, read this article I posted recently to OnlineShoulder.Physio
So, Exactly How Do I Get Better?

Well, just like regular face-to-face shoulder physiotherapy, following your comprehensive online shoulder physiotherapy consultation, I will make my best guess why your shoulder hurts, what you need to do about it and how long will this likely take.
We will then discuss your many options.
Treatment is likely to involve expert advice, education to empower you, activity modifications, movement and proven exercise programs.
I can deliver all of this via email, video, personal exercise program booklets and follow up online consultations.
It’s exactly the way I deliver my multi-media treatment approach now…
It could also be the way we deliver shoulder physiotherapy health care from now on.
To learn more, go here >>
If you’d like to jump the cue and get started right now… book your comprehensive video consultation via our online bookings portal.
Or give the practice a call on 4599 7639 and ask to book an online comprehensive video consultation with Luke The Shoulder Guy.