Do You Make These Mistakes In The Gym?

I have a saying…”Movement IS Medicine!”But movement is not always intuitive. Yes, we are built to move but “Moving Well” is not always the outcome of more movement. Every year, Exercise & Sports Science Australia promote an “Exercise Right” public awareness campaign to promote both “The Benefits of Exercise” and Accredited Exercise Physiologists as the go to professionals for exercise prescription and delivery. Research suggests that exercise should be the cornerstone of both preventative and therapeutic health interventions. What If Everything You’ve Ever Been Told About Exercise & Strength Training Was Wrong?The only problem I have with the promotion of … Continue reading

Spring Into Summer Safely – Get Your Shoulder Health Check Today

Disorders of the shoulder are extremely common. Some research suggests up to 50% of the population experience at least one shoulder pain episode annually. What’s more concerning is the fact that shoulder dysfunction is often persistent and recurrent, with 54% of sufferers reporting ongoing symptoms after 3 years (Lewis, 2009) From my experience the peak season for shoulder injuries is NOW, spring soon becomes summer and we’re all out there literally busting our guts to get fit, to look sexy or at least somewhat desirable and to feel good about ourselves once more after the short winter hiatus. The sad … Continue reading

It’s Not All About Your Shoulder

Shoulder dysfunction spares neither young nor old, and the problem shoulder presents in a multitude of circumstances ranging from the result of a rugby tackle to an arthritic or frozen shoulder. While research guided manual therapy techniques and specific exercises are invaluable resources for the physiotherapist, nothing offers more guidance for a treatment approach than an understanding of functional movement, in my opinion. For example, a golf swing is not purely a movement of the shoulder. The swing is created and starts from the transmission of ground reaction forces through the lower limb, pelvis and trunk, through the scapula and … Continue reading