Shoulder Pain Got You In a Headlock And You’re Desperate To Find Out Why Your Shoulder Hurts?
The moment Patrick discovered one simple, little known technique could rid him instantly of his shoulder pain, his smile said it all… “I wished I’d only come to see you sooner” he conceded.
It’s not rocket science!
You’ve just got to be doing the right things… with a clear understanding of (1) why your shoulder hurts and (2) what the best shoulder physiotherapy evidence and practice suggests, helping you get fast pain relief and build your shoulder strong.For most, it’s not all about their shoulder… it means much more than that.
It’s about a better shoulder for a greater LIFE!
A transformation through No B.S. advice and education you intuitively understand and trust…
And proving to yourself that you ARE okay through a graduated movement and exercise program tailored just for you, to help build your capacity, confidence and ability to meet any physical challenge head on.
Don’t get overwhelmed now…
Most rotator cuff related shoulder pain gets better with time, the right advice and exercise.
It’s complex, but I make it simple.
I’m not saying it will be a quick fix… although for many like Patrick, it is.
I’m just saying, I’m about results, not repeat visits.
This is what I do for a living…
I‘ve got some skin in the game and now so do you.
It’s in my best interest to help you as best I can, leaving nothing to chance.
You’ll be happy to know, I use no inexperienced apprentices in my practice, just to keep costs down.
This is no time for experimentation.
Not when surgery is potentially your next step.
You need and deserve someone you trust enough to share your shoulder pain story with…
Someone who cares enough to listen and understand where you’re coming from and what the likely causes are for your pain.
Equally someone, who has the credentials, credibility, connections and confidence you can count on.
Don’t wait a moment longer for this opportunity to pass you by…
If you’re sick of shoulder pain, then…
You Need The Shoulder Guy!
Book your private consultation with Luke today.
One session could be all it takes!