I think so…at least for me anyway, I can never seem to keep them.
So each year I don’t put any pressure on myself by setting goals.
Cause they don’t work for me.
I focus on “Themes” (instead of gaols) and a daily practise of ideas and mindfulness.
My general ‘themes’ each year revolve around:
- Health First
- Make it Fun
- Positive Family & Friends
- Business Breakthrough
- Choose Yourself
- Save Time
This is how I want to spend my precious time and these themes are my
sounding board to guide and re-correct me along the way.
So #1 is Health first, always. Then, I’ll ask myself…is this fun?
If not, I’ll delete it.
I won’t waste my time.
I’ll move on.
Next, I want to hang out with positive, honest to goodness, real people.
In reality, there are only ever a few of them.
I have in the past unfortunately, hung around people who are what I call “dream killers”, those often well meaning people that literally suck the life out of you.
There are always one or two of those types of people lurking around.
It took me a while to wake up to that fact that there was one in my life. But once I recognised that they were actually taking my positive energy for themselves, they had to go.
Now it is hard to do this if that person is a family member, so I don’t recommend
excommunication but just put a time limit on your exposure to them.
I won’t go into the others I have listed but suffice to say that overarching themes to your life
has the potential to help you make better decisions for yourself.
It is not selfish to “choose yourself” first.
I mean how the hell can you help others if you are burnt out yourself?
So make this year and every year for that matter all about you, your health and your family.
I really hope that you have a healthy and happy year this year.
If I can make it a little better for you then please call.