Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that can pay your wages and medical costs should you sustain a shoulder injury due to your employment.
WorkCover Queensland is the exclusive provider of accident insurance for work-related injuries in Queensland, with the exception of self-insurers. WorkCover Queensland endeavours to work with you, your employer and medical providers like us to help you recover from the injury and return to work.
If you have been injured at work or because of work, you should:
- Consult your local doctor and get a workers’ compensation medical certificate
- Tell your employer about your injury and provide them with a copy of the medical certificate
- Lodge your claim with WorkCover Queensland
- Keep copies of all documents relating to your injury and claim
- Contact Shoulder Guy Physiotherapy and start your shoulder rehabilitation as soon as possible
- Consider an appropriate return to work as soon as possible
Realising the Health Benefits of Work
Shoulder Guy Physiotherapy is ideally suited to provide you, the injured worker with shoulder specific education, advice and active shoulder rehabilitation programs that help you get a better shoulder for a greater life and back to work with a shoulder you can trust.
A recent paper by the Royal College of Physicians has brought to light the health benefits of actively participating in rehabilitation programs and an early return to work.
The paper highlighted that the longer a worker stays absent from work the less likely he or she is to return.
Rehabilitation from shoulder injury can take time depending on the extent of your injury but in the majority of cases recovery from your injury could take place with you still at work in some capacity.
Recovering at work or when appropriate returning early has a flow on effect by reducing the health, financial and psychological burdens on you the worker and your family.
You can access the position statement here.
Shoulder Guy Physiotherapy helps to reduce this burden too by providing specific shoulder rehabilitation programs for injured workers using an active integrated approach.