Get Rid of Your Shoulder Pain Once & For All!

Brisbane Shoulder Physiotherapist Reveals:

“How to Get Rid of Your Shoulder Pain Once and For All”

Sure you can keep going, you always have. But stop and think about the possibility of living life on your own terms without significant shoulder pain and dysfunction. Participating freely and experiencing the sheer joy that physical empowerment can bring.

Hi my name is Luke Van Every and over the past 8 years I have fixed literally hundreds and hundreds of sore, broken, repaired and reconstructed shoulders across Brisbane.

My top performing clients call me “The Shoulder Guy” because they see me as the expert in shoulder physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Now I don’t say that to boast but more so to convey to you the level of my expertise and confidence in my ability to get the best out of my clients from both a physical and personal perspective.

Many of my client’s have chosen to share their stories, you can view them here.


I am writing to you because I want you to be just as impressed and to share your story too. Given the chance, I would love to work with you to realise your physical potential. I would personally teach and guide you towards a pain free, stronger and more confident you through my unique philosophies and shoulder specific rehab strategies.

What’s more I completely GUARANTEE my work so there is No Risk to You!

How’s that you say?


Well, I have a 3 Part Satisfaction Guarantee that governs my service.

  1. “If you are not happy with any part of the service then you don’t have to pay”
  2. “I promise to give you what you want or your money back”
  3. “If I cannot fix your problem then I won’t charge you a cent”

How’s that for confidence?

Still don’t believe me… then ask about my guarantee when you book.


To Get Rid of Your Shoulder Pain Once and For All!

Book A Consult or Call Right Now!

Shoulder Guy Physiotherapy Service Guarantee

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